Get 3Shape products for research: apply with your project protocol.
If you wish to loan 3Shape products for research, you can apply by submitting a project protocol using this form.
The protocol will be reviewed by an internal committee and evaluated on the scientific quality as well as relevance to 3Shape and digital dentistry. As part of the review process more information can be requested. If the research protocol is approved for a loan of 3Shape products, a research agreement is signed by the loaning institution and 3Shape. All proposals and research protocols will be handled confidentially and will not be published in any way or form by 3Shape.
The protocol will be reviewed by an internal committee and evaluated on the scientific quality as well as relevance to 3Shape and digital dentistry. As part of the review process more information can be requested. If the research protocol is approved for a loan of 3Shape products, a research agreement is signed by the loaning institution and 3Shape. All proposals and research protocols will be handled confidentially and will not be published in any way or form by 3Shape.